In today’s world, every company is grappling with the challenge of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. M&I Power Tech (CDN) Inc. would like to draw your attention to our technological innovations for gas turbines. These innovations could be instrumental in helping your company reach this target faster.
Using our technologies, your company will gain:
- Reduction in CO2 emissions and saving of tons of pollutants per year
- Reduction in fuel consumption by 30 – 40%
- Reduction in heat rate and an increase in gas turbine output
and other valuable benefits.
Although we do not make changes to a gas turbine itself, our unique solutions in reworking air intake and outlet systems offer superior performance of existing gas turbines and significant pressure drop savings that cannot be matched by any other technology available today. Through our extensive experience retrofitting 45 gas turbines (for instance at TransCanada Pipeline, Alberta, Canada and at Masterfoods, Pennsylvania, USA), we have observed a decrease in pressure drop between 20-25″, resulting in fuel savings of 30-40%.
Additionally, M&I has addressed the issue of air ingress in conventional combustors, which typically only achieve around 60% of the required 100%. M&I has also managed to reduce the back pressure at the combustor to virtually zero, thereby enhancing the capacity of the combustors up to 20%. The pressure loading of the filter is illustrated in our drawings for further clarification. You can find more details in our list of benefits.
Here is brief explanation how M&I Power Tech achieves a saving of 20-25 inches. How to harvest additional pressure:
1. Changing the existing ducting from the wind box to the ID fan could save up to 12-15″.
2. If M&I is permitted to replace the wind box, it could result in an additional saving of 4-6″.
3. Changing the inlets and outlets for ESP, SCR, and FGD could save 4-6″.
4. Modifying the preheat and reheat and inlet and outlet connections to FD, PA, and ID fans could save up to 6″.
5. Replacing the existing splitter silencer with M&I’s resonator chamber will decrease the noise level to 50-60 dBA at one meter distance and could save up to 4-6″.
6. The fans to be mounted on a roll-out assembly instead of bolting to the floor, so that access to the fans for maintenance would be within 5 minutes.
We have conducted CFD modeling for various components, providing tangible evidence of our technology’s capabilities. M&I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to share the benefits and results of our technology.
It is worth mentioning that M&I Power Tech (CDN) Inc. has been in business since 1981 and holds over 50 patents. Our technology not only provides useful solutions but also generates additional capacity without compromising maintenance requirements, as the system load is evenly distributed, resulting in minimal vibration.
I encourage you to explore our website to learn about all our solutions for gas turbines’ intake and exhaust systems. Please also watch two short videos that explain M&I’s technology for GT Inlet Systems and Exhaust Systems:
Feel free to contact us for further information or online presentation of the technology. Thank you for considering it.
Dipti Datta, CEO
More to read:
1 Air Inlet Outlet System Benefits
3 GT13E2 Single Sided Entry Design
6 Air Filtration System for Compressor
8 Benefits_of_M&I_Technologies
11 Velocity pressures for different velocities